After waiting for about 1-2 years for most people, the movie is FINALLY here!!! While I got to see it on March 3rd at the red carpet screening in Atlanta, GA, I had the pleasure of going last night with more of my friends!! This gave me another chance to catch things that I missed the first time and to just enjoy it all over again.
*entering mild spoiler zone*
I think that Neil Burger did an AMAZING job, and even though he left some things out, he still did very well. You cant squish everything from the book into a 2 and 1/2 film. One scene I really wish they had put in there was the butter knife scene, I mean they barely even showed Edward! If it had been in the movie it also would have shown just how evil Peter really is, because the way the film made him seem was not nearly as bad and make-you-want-to-cut-him as he should have been. Another thing they left out was at the very end were Tobias should have said, "I think I might be in love with you." Like come on it could have used more Fourtris!! But, at the end of the day, I'd say this movie was big success, and I highly recommend it.